martes, 22 de febrero de 2011




1 Why did Jamal apply to go on the show?

a) because he knew the woman he loved would be watching
b) because he thought the woman he loved would be watching
c) because he hoped the woman he loved would be watching

2 What type of vehicle do we see Jamal riding on top of, in the trailer?

a) a bus
b) a train
c) a lorry

3 What holds the clues to the answers?

a) his "phone a friend" lifeline
b) the notes he has written on his sleeve
c) every minute of his life

4 Jamal is one question away from winning....?

a) twenty million rupees
b) ten million rupees
c) ten million pounds


miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

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